Vitamont has a strong and committed Corporate Social Responsibility policy in line with its long-standing beliefs.
This policy is based on 5 main pillars: our governance, our vocation, our environmental mission, our ecological mission, our social mission
Responsible governance that results in strong support for conversion sectors and an exponential development of our fair trade offers, all in compliance with good business practices and shareholder ownership
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– We offer more and more new products with a low sugar level ( coconut water, tea, sugar-reduced spread, cola -30% , lemonade -30%, pure fruit juice -30%…) in order to lead consumers towards a reduction of sweet taste.
– We use neutral packaging as much as possible, and our briquettes without straws have prevented the production of 7.6 million plastic packaging.
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– Stop Plastic: our packaging is constantly evolving, which has already saved nearly 6 tons of plastic per year.
– Our photovoltaic panels produce an average of 35,000 kwatt/year, which represents 580 days of electricity consumption for a 100m2 House.
– We support the Surfrider and Tara Océan foundations in their awareness of the protection of the oceans.
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– Find supplies in France is our privileged approach
– We are a 100% organic company
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– Vitamont shares profits with its employees
– Vitamont promotes continuous improvement of working conditions for its employees.
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