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We support them

As part of our affiliation to the 1% for the planet program, and in a desire to be involved in our territory, we support associations throughout the year. Whether in the form of financial donations, or product donations, being active in areas such as environmental protection or supporting associations is an integral part of Vitamont’s DNA.

Surfrider Foundation

Surfrider Foundation Europe is a foundation that protects, safeguards and enhances the oceans and all the people who benefit from them, for more than 25 years. The foundation acts on a daily basis to fight against damage to the coastal environment and its users. Surfrider Europe intervenes via several levers of action, education and awareness, political advocacy, scientific and legal expertise, on 3 main themes: aquatic waste, coastal development and climate change, and quality of water and health of its users.

Vitamont’s participation in Surfrider helps finance the general functioning of the association.

To find out more about the Surfrider Foundation and its actions, click here.

Tara Ocean Foundation 

The Tara Océan foundation is the first foundation recognized as a public utility in France. Its mission is to develop a science of the Ocean at the service of humanity through scientific expeditions. Tara Océan is leading a scientific revolution that will allow us to predict, anticipate and better manage climate risks, and uses its scientific expertise to raise awareness and educate young generations, mobilize political decision-makers, and allow emerging countries to use this new knowledge around the ocean.

100% of donations made by Vitamont are allocated to the missions of the Tara Océan Foundation.

To find out more about the Tara Océan Foundation and its actions, click here.

Association ANPER TOS 

Created in 1958 by a group of fishermen worried about the increasing degradation of rivers, it now carries out actions to help protect and restore sections of waterways in various French regions. Its vocation today consists of:

  • Contribute to better consideration of the environment when preparing laws and decrees
  • Obtain effective enforcement of nature conservation laws from the Administration and the Courts
  • Raise awareness among the public, young people, elected officials and the main players in environmental management
  • Help associations and users to defend their right to a quality environment
  • Participate in the various national, regional and departmental bodies
  • Maintain close relations with the departments of the ministries in charge of water

Vitamont was able to participate in these actions by partially financing a program to set up river trays aimed at collecting waste on the banks of rivers. This program not only makes it possible to collect waste to limit the pollution of rivers, but also to analyze it afterwards in order to make young generations aware of this phenomenon too often observed.

To learn more about ANPER TOS and its actions click here .

Association Fermes d’Avenir

The association promotes and encourages agroecology and permaculture through the coordination of different programs. The ambition of the association is to grow agroecological farms throughout France, by supporting project leaders, already existing farms, farmers in reconversion, but also companies and communities that share the same visions and ambitions.

Vitamont, through its donation, participates in the flower of agroecology project.

To find out more about the Fermes D’avenir association and its actions, click here.

The Bird Protection League (Bird International)

The Bird Protection League (LPO) or Bird International, first association for the protection of nature in France, works for the protection of species, the preservation of spaces and for environmental education and awareness. Since 1912, the LPO has been carrying out various actions on the knowledge and preservation of biodiversity, the contribution to sustainable development, the decency of nature, in France and internationally.

Vitamont through its donation, participates in various actions of the association.

To learn more about the LPO, click here.

We have supported them through product donations for events, projects, and various gatherings.

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