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cocktail au jus de citron bio

Fresh Cocktail

Pour :

2 people

Temps de préparation :

10 minutes

Temps de repos :


Ce qu’il me faut :

– 8cl of Pure Sicilian Lemon Juice
– 4cl of Pure Fair trade Lime juice
– 50cl of water
– 1 bunch of mint (2 good handfuls)
– 2/3 tablespoons of agave syrup

C’est parti !

1- Wash your mint leaves and then place them in your blender. Add the juices of yellow lemon and lime and mix.
2- Add the water and agave syrup and mix again for 1 to 2 minutes.
3- Pass the mixture through a Chinese to filter the mint leaves.
4- Serve well chilled with ice cubes.

Le petit +

For a more aesthetic look, decorate the glasses with mint leaves and lemon slices.

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