Preparation Time:
This is what I need:
– 1 jar of fruit dessert Mamie Bio
– Wide lace ribbon
– Patterned or colored adhesive tape
– Jute twine
– Iron Wire
– A Wire cutter
– Glue gun
– Glue sticks to refill the gun
– Super glue
Let’s get started!
1- Remove the label from the jar by running it under hot water
2- Cut out 1 strip of patterned or colored adhesive tape 28.5 cm long
3- Place the previously cut strip on the upper section of the jar, where the surface is still flat, just before the curve.
4- Cut out 1 strip of wide lace ribbon 28.5 cm long
5- Place this strip about 1 cm below the adhesive tape, and fix it with the glue gun
6- Cut out 1 piece of jute twine 40 cm long
7- Take your wire cutter, and cut out a piece of wire about 25 cm long.
8- Using your wire cutter, fold the ends of the wire to form a small loop at each end.
9- Bend the wire so as to form a large U upside down
10- Thread the jute twine into each of the loops of the wire
11- Wrap the jar with your jute string previously threaded in the loops of the wire, in the small hollow just below the sealing ring of the lid.
12- The wire must form a handle whose ends fall on both sides of the jar
13- With your jute string, make a double tight knot, then a bow tie
14- Put Super glue on your jute string every 4 cm approximately, so that it is well attached to the jar.
The little trick
You can put seasonal flowers, dried flowers, or even candles!